국선변호사 선임 Appointment of public defender

Public defender fees are said to be free because the courts belong to the country where the salary of public defenders is provided. It is advantageous to consult with the help of government-sponsored lawyers without worrying about the duration or difficulty of handling the case.

국선변호사 선임

1. What is the public defender system?

Public defender-Explanation of the system
public defender
A public defender refers to a lawyer belonging to a country who receives a salary from a public defender properly in order to practice the ‘right to be assisted by an attorney’, one of the basic human rights stipulated by the Constitution. 국선변호사 선임


Because of this, public defenders are in a position where they cannot refuse a request depending on the financial situation of the client or the difficulty of the case. However, only criminal cases can be applied for. 좋은뉴스



2. Public defender appointment procedure and method

Public defender-how to apply-organization
Public defender – How to apply
You can apply for a public defender through a public defender appointment request. The process will proceed with the service of a copy of the indictment sent by the court and the filing of a request for appointment of a public defender and submission to the court. Please refer to the above form for the claim form, which is an application document for a public defender.


If you wish to have a public defender, please indicate it separately on the appointment request form. However, please note that the lawyer you want is not selected unconditionally. If you make a claim like this, you will be assigned a public defender, and the appointment process will be completed.


3. Conditions for Appointment of Public Defender

Selection of Necessary Public Defender
If it is absolutely necessary to have a public defender
Arbitrary public defender selection
If you cannot appoint a lawyer due to poverty or reasons other than poverty

4. Conditions for public defender application

First of all, the necessary public defender application conditions are as follows.

If the suspect goes to the substantive interrogation process for the warrant after requesting an arrest warrant, but there is no lawyer
When it is deemed necessary for the protection of rights, taking into account the age and intelligence of the accused
If the accused is suspected of having a mental or physical disorder or is deaf
When it is deemed necessary to protect the rights of the accused, taking into account the age and intelligence of the accused
Where the accused is prosecuted in a case subject to the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a short term imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor of not less than 3 years;
If the accused is cornered or underage and over 70 years of age
Cases within the military that are subject to military court law
The conditions for applying for a voluntary public defender are as follows:

Recipients of basic livelihood benefits, basic pension, or disability pension
Average monthly income less than 2.7 million won
poverty and other reasons
Applicants eligible for support under the Single-Parent Family Support Act

As such, the public defender system itself is a defense funded entirely by the government for the legally vulnerable, so if you meet the application conditions, please refer to the lawyer application.


5. Public defender fees

Public defender-cost guide
Public defender – cost
Because public defenders are a system supported by the state for the defendant’s right to be represented, public defenders are free of charge. The state is already paying public defender salaries. Therefore, please do not give up your right to be represented by a public defender.


If you look at the testimonials of public defenders, you can see that there are many good lawyers who do their best for the accused. Therefore, do not consider changing the public defender even before appointment, and hope that you will overcome difficult difficulties with help.


Above, we learned in detail about the cost of a public defender and the method of appointment. Hope you have good results.